12 January 2010

69. draw a self portrait

Taken unaware again. Again! I think the universe is slapping me around in that gently capricious way it has, like an indulgent parent who can't stop laughing into his sleeve. Someone somewhere is toying with me.

This morning was preliminary self assessment day in Tai Ji. The round jolly giggling person who is our leader passed around work sheets and took us through stance and balance testing. Everything was as expected until the D section, which commanded that I flip over the page and sketch a self portrait. (Because the only thing more random would have been to dash around in our socks squirting each other with mustard, and we didn't have any mustard. I guess.) Thing is, we didn't get to the inexplicable D section until there were a scant three minutes of class time left. So I scratched out a loose resemblance of myself and handed it in. And kapow! Zing! Self portrait accomplished. How 'bout that, eh?

I would scan it and post it here to flaunt its ramshackle brilliance, but the piece has been submitted. Maybe later.

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