02 February 2010

50. have breakfast for dinner at Humptey's

As we were on our way to buy groceries I proposed dinner at Humptey's and Trevor said, "Sure." So we did something ridiculous and loaded up with food and then ate out while our groceries waited in the car. My waffle (covered in berries and sauce and creamy goodness) was huge and delicious. I regret nothing.

Our timing was good too. We happened to walk in while one of our friends was on shift, and he became our man on the inside. He told us what was especially good, convinced us we wanted drinks on the house, and decided we were old enough to qualify for the senior's discount. We knew he wouldn't mind if we were sadly inefficient, so dinner was a leisurely wallow in comfort food and happy conversation. When he came off shift we all lumped around the table and gabbled on about pop culture, M. Night Shyamalan and how to describe 2009 in music.

Ahhhh. It wasn't anything like productive, but I'm thinking sometimes indulgence is good for the soul.

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