29 March 2010

90. have a buy nothing week

One week, no exchange of legal tender for goods or services. Sounds a little challenging, eh? Not really. Not for only a week. If there is food in the fridge and gas in the car (and a library card in the wallet) you've got everything covered. There was a dicey moment on Friday when I wanted snacks and couldn't just run out and buy them, so I did something that isn't often necessary: I bartered. Successfully! It went like so:

My brother took his lucre and I to the bakery. I pointed at things and he bought them and gave them to me. I did not pay him back later, because that's just borrowing money and money is out. Instead, I am going to meet his terms. I will play Portal for an unspecified amount of time, and he is relieved of dish washing obligations for one week. See? A money free exchange between he and I. Coming to that arrangement was far more amusing than picking something off a shelf and handing paper to a cashier.


  1. Oh my good heavens! Good for you! I am too much of a shopaholic to ever give up shopping, especially not for a week. I love stores. Nope, LOVE stores. All of the pretty colours, the lights, the relaxing music...ahhh.

    PS--I promise I'm not stalking you. I just sort of stumbled on to your blog. I'm highly impressed with all of the things you have been able to accomplish!

  2. I must vouch for the ingenuousness of that brother of yours :) He has ensured that my computer was put to good use :P

    And surely you must admit by now that Portal was an absolutely splendid game of unspeakable proportions! ^_^
