19 April 2010

midstride: March

5. The budget is nothing elaborate, but it features nice round numbers and makes it easy to keep track of my spending. As of the first month I was only $50 overspent. (I have found my weak spot. It is food.) The second month should be more adventurous and also easier: the car is gone and gas money need never again be paid by me! Feverish cheers of exultation, great gusts of applause, et cetera et cetera.

I fully recognize that my update for the end of March is being posted two thirds of the way through April. It would make me feel negligent, except I have four fabulous items to report, three of which were accomplished the first week of April. We are ahead, my dears. Giddy whooping, unrestrained back slapping, et cetera et cetera.

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